Horror movies and more
Fright Teck Pictures Horror Creators

     Eddie Lengyel is a movie produce for horror studio Fright Teck Pictures, in Solon, Ohio. 

     From the Fright Teck website:  Fright Teck Pictures has been producing high quality micro budget films for over the last 15 years. Best known for Hellweek which made its debut on Netflix in 2010, Scarred (walmart 2016) and American Poltergeist, The Curse of Lilith Ratchet (Family Video & Walmart 2019).
Fright Teck Pictures films have earned High Praise from some of the biggest horror websites in the world. Horror Society gave The Curse of Lilith Ratchet a 9 out of 10 deeming it a classic gory haunting you don’t want to miss! Scaretissue magazine said that Scarred is a total 80’s throwback with in your face kills with a Highly recommendation stamped on it!
The company has distribution with itn films & SGL entertainment their titles stream on platforms such as Tubi TV, Amazon, and Redbox, along with hard copy of their titles in Walmart stores nationwide. Moving forward Fright Teck pictures plans to continue their success in the Horror genre with many titles in the works.

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