Horror movies and more

     Chad Singleton is a Public Health Scientist, published Children’s Book Author and a Horror Writer. His interests include voice over , music and podcasting. He is currently working towards his Doctorate in Public Health at Walden University.  He is also a member of the Butchered Writers.

     Chad is a great addition to the Horror Creators. Welcome Chad, we’re looking forward to more horror stories!

 It was finally here, the day of the crew’s annual cabin retreat. Every October David, Lacy, Mark, and Kara picked a weekend to go to the Yosemite Cabins. The stress they endured of tests and term papers would make even the biggest philomath want to get away from it all. Drunk hookups and hangovers aside, the biggest attraction of these getaways were the terrifying fireside stories . Everyone would wait until sunset and try to scare each other with tales of urban legends around an open flame. 

  David had started this tradition. On his way to Yosemite, he thought about how this trip with his friends would probably be his last. This was their Senior year in college. Ever since the pandemic, meeting up became increasingly harder, so much so that last year’s trip was canceled. A year had passed since everyone last saw one another. He knew tonight would be bittersweet, but he had the perfect story for this occasion. David would go out with a bang. 

Everyone arrived at the cabin around 6pm. David was the last to appear.

Mark announced excitedly,“hey! There he is!!!”

“David!!! Loving the beard!” Lacy nudged him after giving him a once over with a coy look on her face. 

“H-Hey guys.” David stuttered. 

“H-Hey Guys,” Mark teased. “MAN, cheer up CHARLIE BROWN!!! We are here to TURN UP!!! Plus Kara has been asking about you bro!” he said, shooting him a playful smirk.

Kara glared at Mark with annoyance, “Shut up Mark!!! You’re such an idiot. I did miss you Davie. Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve talked. You look good.” 

“ENOUGH with the sappy bullshit. The sun is down, the fire is stoked. Grab some beers and meet me outside! IT’S SCARY STORY TIME!,”asserted Mark before stepping away towards the fire pit. 

The crew gathered around the blazing coals, seated comfortable in their individual chairs. 

“So, who’s going first?” Kara asked scanning over the others.  

David sheepishly raised his hand

“Well whatcha got for us Davie boy? Maybe a good vampire or ghost story?” she asked with an impatient smile.

“Um…how about a love story?” 

“Oh hell no!” Mark exclaimed. “We’re telling HORROR STORIES. HORROR! Did you not get the memo?”

David inserted, “I can guarantee that this is the scariest love story you’ll ever hear. It’s based on a real crime of passion. AND,the killer was never found. 

“NOW YOU’RE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE DUDE!” Mark slapped his legs as he leaned in with his full attention on David.

The fire flickered in David’s eyes. “For the sake of this story we will call our cast of characters Kyle, Jonathan and Cassie. Let’s Begin.”


  “Kyle and Jonathan were college buddies, and became closer during quarantine.All of their classes were held virtually via webcam. They took Chemistry together and were assigned to be each other’s partners for the semester . What started as a relationship of circumstance quickly blossomed into a strong bond. This inseparable pair would spend hours cracking jokes and gaming . Every now and then Jonathan would see Kyle’s girlfriend on camera, her name was Cassie . She had long brown curly hair and piercing green eyes. She had a slightly protruding forehead with a little button nose. Her scarlet lips were pouty and full. She was beautiful, and Jonathan couldn’t help but to notice. 

 “At first it was an innocent crush , but Jonathan’s infatuation grew . Cassie’s physical beauty was only complimented by her quick wit. She reminded him a lot of Kyle. In a way, she was like one of the guys. Her and Kyle were inseparable. Jonathan would joke that if they were any closer they would be the same person. 

“Feelings of infatuation quickly turned into bitterness and jealousy towards Kyle. 

 “Jonathan would often dream of a world where Cassie was his. He would fantasize about feeling her plump lips pressed against his. He could almost taste her. He imagined himself on top of her warm body. Both naked forms thrusting and crashing into one another in animalistic, heated throes of passion. 

“After months of longing , the fantasy wasn’t enough. Jonathan had to have her. In his mind , He and Cassie were meant to be. 

 “Kyle and Cassie were sitting on the couch watching television when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Kyle looked through the peephole and was surprised to see Jonathan. He couldn’t help but notice Jonathan’s nervous disposition. Never had Kyle experienced such a burst of cognitive dissonance. Against all instinct, he opened the door.” 

Kyle’s voice shook with hesitation and uncertainty. 

“H-Hey…what’s up bro…What uh…brings you by?”

Jonathan shoved his way through the door, “You…don’t…deserve her!”

Taken back by surprise Kyle asked him, “W-What are you t-talking about Jonathan?”

  “You DON’T deserve Cassie!”

Without hesitation Jonathon pulled a knife from his waist. Seeing red he lunged towards Kyle, he was done talking. 

Kyle had desperation in his voice and a feeling of impending doom. “ WAIT!!! YOU DON’T UNDERST-”.

 Before Kyle could finish his sentence Jonathan plunged the knife deep into his stomach. Blood profusely poured from Kyle’s wound, he looked down grasping at his belly. He collapsed on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Cassie sat lifeless on the couch. Jonathan ran towards her, tripping over Kyle and knocking her over in the process. Jonathan watched in horror as Cassie’s head fell off of her shoulders smashing into 1000 peace’s upon making impact with the 

ground. His mind didn’t know what to make of this horrific scene. Her slumped over torso revealed that her back was completely hollow except for a wooden rod attached to a mechanism of levers and piano wire. 

He gasped, “W-what…the hell is going on?!?!” 

  A green eye rolled across the floor hitting Jonathan’s foot with an impact, not too dissimilar from a child’s marble . He picked it up and noticed it was made of glass. The sudden realization of the situation made His heart sink. He thought about how inseparable Kyle and Cassie were and how she reminded him so much of Kyle. She was Kyle. 

Cassie was a ventriloquist puppet created by Kyle himself. 


David paused for a moment, “And that’s…the whole story.”

Mark clapped his hands, a tone of excitement came through his voice, “Wow! That was insane!” He cocked his head with an inquisitive expression.  “Come to think of it David, I do remember hearing something about a boy from your school that was murdered about six months ago.Yeah, your school covered that story up real quick!”

Lacy inserted, “Only one thing bothers me though. How do you know so much about the story David? You talked about it as if you were there.”  

 David stood up with tears streaming down his face. He reached in the pocket of his bubble coat and pulled out a gun, he pointed it at himself with a look of determination.

Kara screamed, “NO DAVID DON’T!!!”



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